There is a 6th book in the Gone series called Light that will be coming out probably on April 2013. I've also read Michael Grant's biography and he said he wanted to "freak you out" because "in my head I imagine this reader. Sometimes it's a girl. Sometimes it's a boy. It changes. But in any case there's this reader. And I want that reader to pick up GONE, and to be unable to put it down until they have read every word. I want that reader to forget everything else going on around them and become completely engrossed. When they're done with that first book, I want them to need that next book desperately. I want to surprise that reader and scare that reader and make that reader fall in love. In the end I want the reader to put down the book and think, 'Man, that was fun.'" You were so right Mr. Grant, every word of it.
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