Meanwhile, Sam Temple is still deranged from his near death experience given by Drake Merwin, known as "Whip Hand" (a human that was given a python-like arm from the Darkness and uses it as a whip, who loves killing and violence). Drake was killed by Caine next to the mine shaft, where the Darkness lives.
Coates Academy ran completely out of food, meaning Caine and the other survivors would have to move somewhere else, that somewhere being San Francisco de Sales Island, where two celebrities lived. Zil and his "Human Crew" (a group founded by Zil Sperry, who are all human and freak haters and want to either kill them, or kick them out of Perdido Beach) made a deal with Caine, setting fire to Perdido Beach while Caine and the Coates survivors sneak to a boat and sail to the island and Zil would have control.
Brittany, a girl that was killed by Drake during Hunger in the power plant, turned out to be a freak who had the power of immortality. At first she thought that Jesus brought her back from the dead to avenge her and her little brother, Tanner's death with Drake. The Darkness needed Brittany to bring Drake back alive, so it bonded both their bodies together. Basically, Drake and Brittany share a body, half the time being Drake, then the body switching back to Brittany again.
Once again, Michael Grant created such a bizarre story that it leaves me begging for more. Orsay claims to see past the FAYZ. It has been rumored that Drake is walking back from the dead. Brittany, the same. What's crazy is that even though these rumors sound completely insane, they are actually true, making kids have a hard time trusting others. The book keeps me flipping through the compulsive pages. Only one word can describe this book, that word being phenomenal. Reading Grant's books has made my mind change completely, and I hope that it's in a good way.
I decided to make hateful "Human Crew" graffiti about the freaks. I realized that it wasn't enough, so I added the story's plot and my praise for the novel, as you can see above.
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